Monday, October 15, 2012

Our Open House Last weekend-Oct.6, 2012

 Thanks to everyone that braved the cold & rain to come out to our Open House last weekend. We had a great time dispite the cold

This was the 1st year that we teamed up with the Old Farm Girl & Friends Fiber Event and I think it was a big hit. The joining of wonderful fibers and Animals was a great thing.

 The kids enjoyed walking Llama Red around. Our grandson James at the ripe old age of 2 yrs old, enjoys showing other kids how to walk Red & the Alpacas and makes sure they do it right:)

 The food was great and the Hot Chocolate, Chili & Gumbo helped to keep people warm.
 Thanks Also to Evelyn, "The Old Farm Girl" and the other Fiber Arts ladies for making the day great. I know that people were loving all the different fibers and Evelyn sold 1 of her beautiful spinning wheels. 

 What great colors
The heating lamp helped keep the inside of the tent warm so the ladies could spin.

and such a great face
Norm, as always, was a big hit. He is just so friendly & curious

These are pictures of Dolli Llama and his goat friend. We took them in a week before our Open House and are happy to say they have been re-homed!  They went to their new home the day of the Open House. We are so happy for all

a few of our chickens. The one on the left is our little bani hen and the other is one of our meat birds that got away. 

Jelly Bean farm was nice enough to bring along a few of their Angora Bunnies for all to enjoy

Wow these ladies have talent

Our pigs were just laying back watching all the excitement

Venus and Jasmin were great helps at the Open House. They would make great farm hands if I could only convince them that poop patrol really isn't that bad

Some pictures of our temporary clothing & more store. " The Alpaca Corner"
Everything that didn't sell has been put back at our store in This Old House Antiques & Resale, Newaygo.

We have more clothing on the way. Some great new items will be in just in time for Christmas and the extra cold weather.

 White Cloud Alpacas had a drawing for a $30. gift certificate. Congratulations Wendy Muir, this years winner.

Don't feel like you need to wait for our next open house to come visit. Just give us a call. Now that fall is hear, things have slowed down a bit and we have time to enjoy the animals and they are much more active now that it's not 90 plus degrees out

We will be updating our events page soon so please check back for future events. Thanks

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Evening at the Farm

We have been busy picking fall veggies today. We will have the veggies along with mum's, chickens, Alpacas and a very special Llama & goat for sale at the Open House next Saturday Oct. 6th.

                                                                              Here are 3 chickens born at our farm early this summer. They should be starting to lay eggs any day know. They are for sale along with some others.

We usually do not take in every stray and sad story animal we hear about. Well, I would like to but Paul is sometimes the reason to my sanity. Soooo why did we take in this Llama & it's goat friend in today?
Well it could have been the full moon OR the fact that Paul answered the phone, said you want to find homes for a Llama & goat? Let me give my wife the phone, I'm sure she could better help you!
Silly husband. He should know after 30 years of marriage that I'm week when it comes to animals and hard ship stories. So YES I'm blaming him but we now have the Llama & goat.
The Llama is actually very friendly. Let me pet him, does not spit, kick or threaten to hurt us or the other animals in any way. The goat is a little shy but is also not a threat in any way to anyone.
We do need to find a permanent good home for these 2 ASAP, so if you are interested or know someone that is, please give us a call or make sure you come to our Open House next Saturday Oct. 6th and check them out.

 We also have a few of our Alpacas for sale. Above are a few girls at dinner time. Loving that fresh hay!
To the right it Captain Bill. A gorgeous male Suri with outstanding fiber, structure & bloodlines. He is being offered by himself or with his best friend Tony.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

White Cloud Alpacas Open House

Well We are making our 7th Annual Open House even Better!

We have Teamed up with The Old Farm Girl to combine 2 fabulous events.
The Farm Girl & Friends Fall Event is now being held at the White Cloud Alpaca Farm.


When-October 6, 2012
Time- 10am to 4pm
Where-White Cloud Alpaca Farm

Hope you will join us for a Fabulous Frenzy of Fiber, Friends, Food, Alpacas and so much more!

We have several vendors that will be displaying their Fantastic Fiber wares for sale.

For more info and a complete listing of Vendors please check out our Events page.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

It's that time of year! We are gearing up for the upcoming fall events.

We will be taking some of our Alpacas to Farm Markets in September. Please check our events page for dates, times & locations. Also other fall events are listed along with our main event.

Our 7th Annual White Cloud Alpacas Open House

The date is set for October 6, 2012 from 10am to 4pm

We always look forward to our Open House. Seeing old friends & meeting new ones.
Hope you can come and enjoy the day with us. Lots of munchies, beverages, Alpacas, Fiber Arts, Shopping & more.

Here are a few pictures from last years Open House


The big tent will be set up so the party is on rain or shine.


Monday, July 2, 2012

This heat has us all moving a little slower. Lots of shade and water helps everyone. The Alpaca pools are being refilled a few times a day.

We took a year off breeding our Alpacas so at least no big Alpaca mama's waiting to give birth in this weather. We really miss the cria's (baby Alpacas) and are going to have some of our girls breed this year as soon as the temp's cool off a bit.

Bibb's just loves to drink water from the hose.

So no cria's on the farm this year does not mean that we have no babies.
 The little joey we saw while shearing was very cute but no kangaroos for us.

I was very tempted to take home a cashmere goat while shearing. Still thinking about that but I'll hold off for a while anyways.

 Then there were the mule foot piggies. Yep we now have 3.       
 Our grandson James gets a kick out of them.

 The Alpacas were not sure what to make of the pigs.

 They are a heritage pig. Not like the other white meet but very hardy, disease resistant and TASTY. Because pigs are mostly being raised indoors these days and people want a leaner, healthier meat, the mule foots lost popularity. Unless of course you talk to world redound chefs and restaurants. Many say that the pork we eat today has no flavor. These pigs are a little fattier and take longer to grow, making them a little more expensive but very flavorful. They also have great temperaments. We are fortunate to have a few restaurants giving us there left over & scrap veggies to supplement. Our son works at a restaurant where they make there own beer. The pigs will also be getting the left overs after brewing. I'm pretty sure no alcohol in there so the pigs won't be getting to goofy.

Our old Black Neufoundland dog, Maggy, isn't sure about them. However they seemed to think Maggy was there mother for the first week or so. Good thing Maggie has a good disposition.

We also have 35 meat chickens. They grow really fast and always seem to be hungry. Kind of sad in a way. Makes you wonder how their genetics were changed to make them this way. They do get to scratch at the ground, eat the occasional bugs and lead as normal a life as a chicken that  grow to full size plus some in 8 weeks can. We ordered 25 chickens and they thought we said 35. We are thinking we won't have room in our freezer for all the chickens so if you are interested in purchasing any please let us know soon. We will be taking them to the Amish to be "processed" July 12th

We have a few chickens sitting on eggs in the barn. Yum more egg layers to come. Excepting we don't need any more laying chickens so we will be selling a few of our layers as well.

Then there's the baby my husband, Paul, bought. He calls it BOAT and he is quite smitten with it

Although we are enjoying all the baby's, the one that has stole the show this spring is our new grandson Kaden Andrew Webster. Born May27, 2012. No problems. Content, happy, beautiful baby boy

Kaden's 2 cousins and big brother were very excited to meet him
His big brother Jordan holding him for the first time. Sure he liked him but he wasn't as much fun as Jordan thought he would be. Jordan was worried that Kaden did not like him because he didn't smile or talk to him or anything:)

Mom is doing good. Just a little tiered
Dad & brother are enjoying him though

Amazing how fast he's growing.